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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Another Location Based Social Network from Yogyakarta

Dailysocial readers must know the local location based social services such as Yahoo! Koprol, Urbanesia, and Personaflag, for Yogya, beside Personaflag there is another location based social service called t4nya.com.

This one social media is quite interesting, has a slight difference from the others and a little bit unique. The first approach is mark a favorite location and then user can add photos, give score and comment to the place they’ve visited before, able to find places, location and new relations.

It’s quiet interesting from UI and UX side and also user friendly. The users have been given the privilege to add important places or their own favorite location on the map. It’s easy to add places and the funny icons display in each category made me comfortable in using t4nya.com. Even though it’s still in beta version, t4nya.com is such an addictive social service.

For users the registration process is very simple, you don’t need to fill in a registration form, simply login with your Facebook account. It’s also easy to add favorite places or important places with photos include in it, captions and comments on the site is very easy in t4nya.com. After the above process, users can also share their activities to Facebook and Twitter.

But when we visit t4nya.com there aren’t many people using this service yet. But some of the important or favorite places had already been add, especially in Yogyakarta, whether it’s a vacation spot, restaurant, and other places. Like other local service, t4nya.com also facilitate users to search or review places that their interested on.

When trying to add more places in t4nya.com, the process is quite simple. Giving name, give a description, giving a tag on a certain location, giving location a category and put a marker on a location. But the given category from the service is still limited. I try to add a place called HackerSpaceYK in t4nya.com, in just a matter of minutes. Unlike Yahoo! Koprol, a few months ago there was an ‘incident’ experienced by colleagues in Bandung. ;)

Too bad, currently t4nya.com can only be access from the web, right now the mobile web and mobile app is still under development. Just like their explanation in their official blog, t4nya.com needs all the critics and suggestion for their references so they can develop their service and fix all the bugs. For suggestion and critics can be send from their feedback form or comment in this article.

View the original article here

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