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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Facebook and Skype's video chat link-up

For months, Facebook was uncharacteristically quiet about its membership growth. Whispers among those who closely follow the social-networking giant reached full-throated debate a few weeks ago, with word that Facebook's numbers were down in the US and

July 6 (Bloomberg) — Ben Parr, editor-at-large at Mashable, talks about Google Inc.'s new social-networking service, Google+ and its competition with Facebook Inc. He speaks with Emily Chang on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg West.

For months, Facebook was uncharacteristically quiet about its membership growth. Whispers among those who closely follow the social-networking giant reached full-throated debate a few weeks ago, with word that Facebook's numbers were down in the US and

Video chat features are set to become the killer app in the world of social media now that Facebook has announced a partnership with Skype to offer just such a product hard on the heels of one rolled out by its rival Google.

If you think people are over-sharing on the Internet today, brace yourself, says Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. As the sharing booms, so will the online data. And Facebook plans to build more of its own data centers to

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