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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Microsoft Get Benefited From Android

Microsoft is also taking advantage of the popularity of the Android operating system. The world’s largest software vendor is reported to gain more revenue from Android platform rather than homemade, Windows Phone 7. Microsoft did not engage directly towards making Android or handset. However, they are known to draw royalties from licensing patents on Android phones, especially the HTC brand. Sales of mobile Windows 7 Phone is far less encouraging.

While HTC’s sales large enough thanks to the adoption of the Android OS. Then estimated, Android just finished mine money for Microsoft. “1.4 million unit sales of Windows Phone with $ 15 per unit royalty to Microsoft gets USD 21 million in the second quarter of 2011. While the HTC phones sold 12 million, with USD 5 per unit royalty to Microsoft earned $ 60 million of Android,” Market analysts call the Horace Dedieu from Asymco.

In 2010, Microsoft and HTC reach patent agreement. Although not stated implicitly how the royalties should be paid for HTC on Microsoft, said to amount to $ 5 per unit sold. Microsoft is also currently trying to achieve more or less the same deal with Motorola. Microsoft judge Android phones Motorola violated its patent related to the process of application and data syncing.

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neovanatica is a well known professional blogger and Information Technology teacher. He holds an Information System degree in Computer Science.

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