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Monday, September 5, 2011

Neil Patrick Harris Serenades Gender-Swapped Adventure Time

Adventure Time gt; The Amazing World Of Gumball. Reply. christina carman 2011 at 10:17 pm. JustisKTA Stfu, last year when i was talking about adventure time and fin you were still watching disney channel, faggot. Reply

hawk200939s photostream 3576. I love this needle felted Jake from Flickr user michelleness. Stream cartoons Adventure Time Episode 30b Wizard Battle.

By Whitney Matheson, USA TODAY A very special episode of Adventure Time airs Sept. 5 — and no, I'm not talking about one where Finn gets locked in a refrigerator or Jake has to perform CPR. Nope, this one involves a parallel universe, one where Finn

By Whitney Matheson, USA TODAY A very special episode of Adventure Time airs Sept. 5 — and no, I'm not talking about one where Finn gets locked in a refrigerator or Jake has to perform CPR. Nope, this one involves a parallel universe, one where Finn

Adventure Time gets just a little but more surreal tonight, as genders are swapped and it becomes Adventure Time With Fiona and Cake. Finn becomes a woman named Fiona, Jake becomes a dog named Cake, and Princess

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